Literacy Council of Northern Virginia
Tutor Resource Center

Training Opportunities

                       Basic Literacy ESL


Basic Literacy

The following are upcoming training opportunities throughout the region that may be of interest to Basic Literacy tutors. Basic tutors may also want to visit the Virginia Adult Learning Resource Center for additional training opportunities throughout the state.

Virginia Adult Institute for Lifelong Learning: Taking Time to Reflect South East VAILL in Petersburg

July 30 - August 1, 2001

This upcoming VAILL conference, sponsored by the Virginia Department of Education, Office of Adult Education and Literacy, will provide the setting and the resources for you to learn, share, reflect, and plan with adult education and literacy colleagues from all parts of Virginia as well as leading experts in the field. 

This conference will be held at Virginia State University in Petersburg, VA.

You are invited to attend VAILL if you are an adult education teacher, volunteer, administrator, classroom aide, counselor, correctional educator and/or private literacy practitioner. The registration fee is only $10 and all other costs including 2-nights lodging, meals, and workshop materials are covered by the Virginia Department of Education.

There are a variety of workshop topics including: First Steps in Planning Instruction for Adults with Learning Disabilities, Mathematics Manipulatives for Adult Learners, English Language Civics, and Community Issues in Adult Education Classrooms. 

For more information please call (804) 534-5377


The following are upcoming training opportunities throughout the region that may be of interest to ESL tutors. ESL tutors may also want to visit the Virginia Adult Learning Resource Center for additional training opportunities throughout the state.

Literacy Council of Northern Virginia ESL Tutor In-Service

Grammar...A Bad Rap

Who: Marci Strock

When: Saturday, July 21, 2001
9:30 a.m. - 12:00 noon

Where: Literacy Council Office
2855 Annandale Rd.
Falls Church, VA 22042

What: Paul L. Hooper said it best in his book A Short Course in Grammar, "grammar does not enjoy a positive reputation."

The Council invites you to join us for this in-service and find out why grammar does not deserve a "bad rap." The in-service will focus on understanding parts of speech and sentence composition of Standard American English - must have knowledge for anyone looking to improve writing and speaking skills.

We will also be discussing the nature of language, consequently giving ESL tutors a deeper understanding of the complexities and unique difficulties of learning another language.

This in-service is also appropriate for Basic Literacy Tutors working with ESL students.

Register: Please contact the Literacy Council at (703) 237-0866 or by e-mail at to register for this in-service.